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October 20, 2009


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chris olson

Hey, MaryEllen.... Are these examples real, or did you make them up? Just wondering.

Earl J. Moniz

Hello Mary Ellen,
it's Earl J Moniz from long ago... we met at an event years ago, and I had you sign a copy of your book for me ... you'll always be my favorite librarian.
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I'm working with Deb Logan on a library advocacy video... which might be something that could use a little discussion about the term librarian. Thanks for the insight.
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It's nice to see you're still doing well and sharing your skill, knowledge, and experience with so many others.
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I've found permanent employment and no longer consider myself a fellow Librarian of Fortune. It does appear you're still fighting the good fight on the side of librarianship and information sharing.
Add this to the list if you think it fits:

Helping experience become wisdom...

* * *
You're an angel, fer shure... (grin)

Until that time... Earl J.

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