Join me at the SLA Conference, June 13-17
Publish or Perish: the who, what,
when, where, why and how of e-newsletter publishing - Ticketed Event #300
Saturday, Jun 13, 2009
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Location: Convention Center 209A
centers and libraries face the never-ending need to communicate their
value within the organization. One of the most effective ways of
establishing a strong reputation with their various constituencies is
to publish e-newsletters. This lively half-day workshop gives
participants all the skills they need to produce internal electronic
newsletters — how to use them as powerful marketing tools, templates
for creating attractive and professional e-newsletters, and best
practices from the info pro perspective.
This workshop assumes that you aren’t already a newsletter expert, a
writer or a marketing whiz. We will cover topics such as:
-What's the
Point? Building brand awareness, promoting internal information
-What Will It Look Like?
-What Will Be In the E-Newsletter?
-What Other Issues Should I Consider?
-How Do I Promote My
Building Your CI Skills, Part 1: Using the Opaque and "New" Web for Competitive Intelligence Research - Ticketed Event #415
Sunday, Jun 14, 2009
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Convention Center 207B
and Tools for CI Research on the Web: This lively course will provide
fresh approaches, strategies and methodologies to conducting in-depth
competitive intelligence research on the web. This session provides
tools for searching the invisible and deep web, areas that are not
accessible through search engines. It also examines how to "look
sideways" to glean new information from sources that do not, on their
face, appear to be resources for CI research, including blogs,
podcasts, social networking sites, and other Web 2.0 content.
discussion and exercises, attendees will creatively perform and apply
in-depth competitive intelligence research using these sources, and
analyze and synthesize this information into accurate answers and
actionable information. This session can be taken as a stand-alone
course, or it can be taken in conjunction with Building Your CI Skills,
part 2.
Building Your CI Skills, Part 2: What Do I Do After I Log Off? - Ticketed Event #530
Sunday, Jun 14, 2009
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Location: Convention Center 207B
Value As A CI Practitioner: the ability to truly create added value and
to make that value evident to our clients is something that is learned;
it is not intuitive nor is it necessarily a part of many information
professionals’ skill set. This workshop will equip SLA members to
strengthen their role within their organization, enhance the position
and perceived value of the information center as a source of
competitive knowledge, and develop their CI skills in order to better
meet their organization’s information needs. This session may be taken
as a standalone course, or may be taken in conjunction with Building
Your CI Skills, part 1.
Painless (No, really!) Negotiating -
Monday, Jun 15, 2009
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Location: Convention Center 147B
more things are negotiable than we may think; in fact, much of life
involves negotiation, and the effects of not negotiating can be
cumulative. This presentation helps you identify who is "the boss of
you," develop your ability to reframe challenging situations, and build
tools to enhance your negotiation skills and approach every situation
as negotiable.
Lies, Damned Lies, and Annual Reports: Reading and Interpreting Company Financials -
Tuesday, Jun 16, 2009
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Location: Convention Center 143C
than just statistics, companies' annual reports and financial
statements can be a wealth of information for the business researcher
and the CI analyst. Mary Ellen Bates will provide you with the tools to
understand financial reports and provide your clients with analysis in
addition to just the facts.
SPOTLIGHT SESSION -- Creating Groupies: How to Add Value, Make Yourself Irreplaceable & Beat the Pants Off Google -
Wednesday, Jun 17, 2009
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Location: Convention Center 145A
no longer enough to efficiently and cost-effectively find the most
reliable information available; we also have to ensure that our
organization understands the skills we bring to the table. This
Spotlight Session looks at practical ways that we can add value to our
research products, develop the services that our clients can't find
elsewhere and can't imagine living without, and demonstrate that
relying on Google (or any other search engine) for making critical
decisions is folly.