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March 12, 2009


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Steven Lybeck

Hi Mary - Thanks for the post about us! Glad to see you making good use of our long query abilities...I hope you find them useful.

You might be interested to know that we actually significantly redid our interface a few weeks ago, and we took off the registration requirement.

Be sure to get in touch if you have any questions or run into any difficulties.

Thanks again!

Abe Lederman

Mary Ellen,

The Deep Web has garnered a lot of attention recently. I just want to make you and your readers aware of the efforts of my company which I founded in 2002, Deep Web Technologies, to make the "deep web" more accessible through the use of our Federated Search technology. We have developed quite a few prominent sites which give the public access to some of the best content on the deep web:


I hope that you enjoy your visit to the Land of Enchantment in a couple of weeks.


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