If you're not a regular Dialog user, just skip this post...
I was running a search on Dialog last week and used the CURRENT command in file 148, Trade & Industry, to limit my search to content from the last two years. (b 148 CURRENT) It confirmed my command ("CURRENT started"). However, my searches turned up lots of stuff from years, heck, decades, past. It sure was annoying, since I had to manually limit each search set by year, and we all know that this consumes CPU time (er, DialUnits), and that equals $$$.
I haven't gotten a response from my Dialog rep; will post when I hear something.
June 20 update: I'm told that the problem has been fixed; no idea what caused the problem.
My understanding is that current pulls up all hits that have been added to the database during the recent two years. Since databases add older records from time to time, you get older records as well current ones. For greater precision, use the date statement, e.g., py= or pd=. A few databases us yr=. Some databases allow for the Limit function, e.g.,
? limit s#/2005:2007
This varies from database to database and if it doesn't work on the first try, Bluesheets contain more information and examples.
Posted by: Amelia Kassel | June 19, 2007 at 08:48 AM
But in my search, the VAST majority of hits were prior to 2003. This isn't a file update issue, IMO.
Posted by: mary ellen bates | June 19, 2007 at 09:28 AM